What is Somatic Therapy?

Jul 08, 2022
The word ‘Somatic’ comes from the Greek word ‘Soma’ which means ‘body’. Our Soma is a rich terrain of physical sensations, emotions, impulses and living memory from which we, in our modern-day culture, are often disconnected.

The word ‘Somatic’ comes from the Greek word ‘Soma’ which means ‘body’. Our Soma is a rich terrain of physical sensations, emotions, impulses and living memory from which we, in our modern-day culture, are often disconnected. The mind-body connection is now well documented. Many fields such as neurobiology and trauma research are emphasizing the importance of acknowledging and engaging the body’s experience in order to heal fully from traumatic and challenging events. This includes early life (developmental trauma), PTSD, chronic stress and functioning in a state of anxiety and depression. Psycho-emotional complaints do not exist solely in the mental sphere. Thus, they cannot be healed solely through mental exercises and techniques.

Somatic therapy works to restore health and well-being by focusing on the experience of the body, the Soma, in response to current or past life events. It utilizes both elements of psychotherapy as well as manual or touch therapies. And it seeks to help create a greater awareness of the mind-body connection. While components of talk therapy are utilized during a session, somatic therapy emphasizes a body-centered approach that explores the present-moment experience of the body’s sensations, feelings, tensions, gestures and drives. In addition, it incorporates movement exercises, breathwork, vocal work, relaxation techniques, and physical touch. The combination of these approaches aims to create a unique environment that allows you to experience and express what has remained stored and stuck in your body.

Curious if somatic therapy could be helpful in your healing? Please contact us at info@marketplacenaturopathic.com or become a new patient to request a complimentary 15 minute phone consult with Dr. Sarah Klein to learn more.

Appointments are available both in-person and over Zoom!